
If you're a first time visitor (or just generally confused), here's an explanation: Originally this blog was titled "The Tree of Knowledge" and was full of my exhortations and explanations about various social issues. Now they aren't so much explanations as Tourette's like interjections, because I started to find the research exhausting.

Amazon Earth Day

Friday, April 07, 2006

An introduction. . .

Today I was at round-table discussion called "Life After Life" which was about why we become English majors. And the once again I found myself not able to talk as much as I would like about the various issues that come up in day-to-day life. People just don't appreciate that listening to my opinions is time well-spent. Or not. But now I can rant, rave, and babble to my heart's content and direct all my friends to my musings, thereby only spewing them the one time.

As for the name. . . Aine is Irish and Bina is Hebrew, and both translate roughly as wisdom, intelligence, wit, etc. I'm honored to be Jewish, but I think I was Celtic in a past life. Or if you can't take that seriously, I am compelled by Celtic culture and a lot of people seem to think I look Irish.

The Sacred Apple Orchard has to do with mystic. . . stuff. I used it more because l like the sound of it than that I have any true expertise about what it signifies. Look it up. Don't make fun of me if you find out it's stupid.

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