
If you're a first time visitor (or just generally confused), here's an explanation: Originally this blog was titled "The Tree of Knowledge" and was full of my exhortations and explanations about various social issues. Now they aren't so much explanations as Tourette's like interjections, because I started to find the research exhausting.

Amazon Earth Day

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Still Standing

I apologize for the long hiatus. I had started an entry on the new farm bill, but I ran out of energy and then it ended up passing in the House before I got around to finishing it. I honestly have no idea if the Senate has passed it as well. But if they haven't, I suggest writing to your Senators and complaining that the Farm Bill continues to subsidize factory farming and makes school children obese with its antiquated school lunch program.

On another note, I will probably not be producing entries with any regularity for the foreseeable future. I'm experiencing a bit of compassion fatigue. I'm still trying to live as ethically as possible, but I just don't have it in me to do the research that I usually do for these entries. However, if anyone is interested in submitting some comments about issues they want me to talk about, I will try to respond, at the very least with my opinion and some links to other resources.

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