
If you're a first time visitor (or just generally confused), here's an explanation: Originally this blog was titled "The Tree of Knowledge" and was full of my exhortations and explanations about various social issues. Now they aren't so much explanations as Tourette's like interjections, because I started to find the research exhausting.

Amazon Earth Day

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Things are in the works

I'm moving to Britain in a number of days. I have an interview with an animal welfare group, which is pretty cool, but you know, nothing is certain but death and taxes (and non-refundable plain tickets). So, that's why things have been so slow on the update front lately. Moving from state to state, nation to nation, finishing up work on the upcoming issue for the magazine I was working for, dealing with Thanksgiving, doing my final project for the class I have been taking... I have been one busy (non-) blogger.

So, there may be some blog changes coming up. I will probably be deleting the "experimental blog." This blog may be reformatting a bit. You'll see what I'm talking about soon. That reminds me, I still have that thing about factory farming screwing over people in the works. I'm sure It will be written eventually. Really.

In the meantime, keep watching the stars. Or something.

ETA: I finished the factory farming piece. It is published under the date I started it on, 10/28, a few entries down.

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